About two days into my hike across the Scottish Highlands, The Frist in downtown Nashville TN opened the exhibit Guitar Town: Picturing Performance Today. Many photoshoots and workings later, I finally had a moment to go check out the exhibit.
When the Frist asked me this past Winter if I’d like to have my work displayed, to say I was honored is an understatement. Walking in to see everyone’s work on the walls was nothing short of inspiring. When I got to my corner, I was nothing short of proud. This was by all accounts the largest gallery opportunity I’ve ever had, and was especially the greatest museum opportunity. This year has been a bit of a roller coaster for me, so seeing my work up and in it’s proper form felt like the encouragement I needed terribly. The fruits of hard work, dedication, and years of keepin’ on are sweet, and I do not take this show for granted. So grateful to The Frist Art Museum and to our curators, Mark Scala and Sydney Stewart, for working with us through this show.
After moving through the Guitar Town exhibit, I went over to the Storied Strings show and took in the multi-disciplinary display featuring painting, illustration, photographs, and more. I was particularly keen on the Jim Herrington, David McClister, Marty Stewart, and William Eggleston photographs, but equally was captivated by impressive and towering oil paintings and other traditional artworks that depicted the guitar through time, culture, and events. From there I hopped over to the Ron Jude photography exhibit, which was both lovely and sobering. And, perhaps the cherry on top, a Beatric Potter exhibit that chronicles her life and connection to the UK’s Lake District, as well as her work to protect it. The exhibit of course features displays of her illustrations, many of which we’ve known since childhood. The museum is nothing short of exciting this summer with lots of great work to enjoy.
Plan Your Trip!
Beatrix Potter: Drawn to Nature | April 7th to September 17th 2023
Guitar Town: Picturing Performance Today | April 21st to August 20th 2023
Storied Strings: The Guitar in American Art | May 26th to August 13th 2023
Ron Jude: 12Hz | May 26th to August 13th
I was also stoked to see that one of my photographs was selected for the gallery cards!