Working with my friend Logan Ledger on his album art and press back in January is still one of the greatest highlights of 2019 for me. We shot the photograph for this on the 2nd day of shooting.
Logan Ledger’s new EP | Rounder Records | Marin County, California
The weather in Northern California had been sunny and pleasant, but on day #2 of shooting the rain and wind came. Thankfully it wasn’t bad enough to scrap the days work, and in fact added some very nice atmosphere to the images.
Logan Ledger and myself working | Marin County, California | January 2019
After a stop at an Equator coffee just down the road from where we stayed, I let the Californians do the driving up Mt Tamalpais on such a rainy, cold, and windy morning. It was very, very cold.
My assistant Nils and Logan, most likely waiting on me to take this photo or load up a film camera. | Marin County, California | January 2019
The haze was beautiful but the natural light on human faces here was very underwhelming to me, so I added a strobe just to slightly even out light on Logan’s face. To make it feel a little more dynamic. A little light can go such a long way.
Logan Ledger | Marin County, California | January 2019
The above image was the last on the roll of film, and it happened to be my favorite. Shortly after the last shot was made and the film backs were wound, the rain became very heavy. We grabbed armfuls of gear and ran for the car. I’m so glad that we had a window of time to photograph at this spot before the rain drove us out and back down the mountain.